F.114.91.01.R - Magnetic mortise lock - With key

Product Description

Magnetic mortise lock - With key

Magnetic latch / Key
Round faceplate
Faceplate width: 18mm
Backset: 50mm
Follower: 8mm
Center to center: 90mm
Ambidextrous (right / left )

- Mortise lock with magnetic latch and key for interior doors
- The latch is operated by the magnetic action of the strike plate. Retracts with the movement of the handle on the follower.
- When operating the key the magnetic latch locks / unlocks.
- Applicable in right and left handed doors without needing to reverse the latch.
- Satin Nickel (Stainless Steel look) strike

Other versions:
F.114.91.02.R - WC / Double follower
F.114.91.03.R - for euro cylinder

For more information see the technical information image



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Brand : handlie
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